free verse


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I looked someone in the eyes the other day. They were terrified. It was too real.

We only want what we think we want and then we don’t even want that.

We make this world so much harder than it’s supposed to be.

I thought maybe we could laugh together about something silly and that would be enough, but it wasn’t.

I thought maybe I could just hold your hand and bask in the sunlight and we could take in the beauty of it all and that would be enough, but it wasn’t.

I thought maybe we could just breathe with the general knowledge that this is life and that’s enough, but it wasn’t.

I just want to look you in the eyes and for you to do the same and we could smile knowing that this is quite enough.

But it’s not.

Nothing is enough anymore.


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It was a sucker punch if there ever was one.
Outside my body I saw the whole thing in slow motion.
I turned around and the fist was in my face.
There was no stopping it.
And in that moment, every memory of pain surfaced.
I stumbled, and then I hit the ground.
I wasn’t getting up this time. There was no way.
This was too much.
I couldn’t survive this.
Every bruise I’ve ever had returned to my body.
All my pain was brand new all over again.
I couldn’t move.

I was moving again.
I couldn’t… I wouldn’t be defeated.
Every amount of will surfaced from within.
Weak but not defeated.
I took out the weight I’d been holding onto.
I didn’t have to hold onto it anymore.
I held it in my hands.
I took a deep breath.
I threw it to the ground.
Freedom was born from pain.
Just because you’re weak doesn’t mean you can’t be brave.
Feel and let go.
let go.